Meet the Youth Producers

Rashada Akter
I am a little sweetness girl name Rashada Akter I was born in Bangladesh, but my parents decided to move to the United States for a better life when I was nine and a half. After we moved to the United States, my life improved with many opportunities. I started going to school to study even though I knew it was challenging, but I believed in myself that hard work could bring me a successful life. I was very shy and quiet but as time goes I learned the importance of speaking up for myself. Something I want the world to know that people going through so many circumstance life is short if you fell down don’t give up stands up and fight back for your dream. I am currently studying at Brooklyn International High School and graduating in 2021. I want to study Biology in my future plan. After graduating from High school planning to go to college and my dream is to become a doctor.
Everyone has talents and strengths. Rasheeda's talents are public speaking, problem-solving, and encouraging people to make the right choices. I joined the Restorative Justice Youth Team, the Student Government, and the Fairness Community in order to obtain knowledge and overcome nervousness. I am passionate about working together in a team and make it change. I have the ability to inspire others, show commitment to a cause, and participate actively in our school community. I am brave open-minded have the ability to bring people together.
Rashada has participated in EVCC's New Media Art workshop and overall it has been going smoothly. From this program, I have learned and experience many different things how to build strong relationships between people and make it a comfortable place. I highly recommended this program because it has many extra- curricular activity that can lead us in my daily life as well in my future.
Anisha Alom was born and raised in Sylhet, Bangladesh. At the age of 11, she came to the United States. Some of the words that could be used to describe her are feminist, sister, dreamer, curious, confident. She currently studies at international high school at LaGuardia Community College and is graduating in 2022. After graduation, She wants to attend college and become a lawyer.
Anisha has done many things throughout her life including taking a stand for other people, learned 2 new languages, took college classes, and taught her siblings in academics. She is passionate about making a better society and has the skill to learn about the world and teach others.
Anisha has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts workshop and it has been a really good source of information about what she is passionate about. It teaches new things about the world that needs to be learned. From talking about themselves to learning about the injustices in the world is a thing she will be forever interested in. Something that she has learned through the new media arts workshop is that individuals have to fight for the better world that we all want to live in. One thing that has been special about this workshop is that there were people from very different backgrounds and knowledge but they all seemed to be interested in fighting for a better world.

Anisha Alom

Josh Caluya
Hello, my name is Josh Caluya. I was born on November 25, 2004. I am an analytic person and I love to solve problems. My goal in life is to work in the medical field and help others. I will work hard and strive to achieve. Hopefully, the skills I have gained from New Media Arts will help me support my dream and goal.
Hayden Celentano was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Growing up surrounded by a vivid pop culture scene and creative atmosphere, he quickly realized the necessity to immerse himself in the art of storytelling and fiction.
Whether he's obsessing over Stephen King, analyzing movies, fighting the urge to not proofread his scripts (just kidding), or sitting down with Photoshop, Hayden is always finding ways to exercise his mind.
Along with an active imagination, Hayden also plays ice hockey (let's go Rangers!) and goes hiking with his family during the summer. One time he even hiked to a glacier in smoldering heat, but dipping his feet in the freezing glacial water made up for the painful sunburns.
When Hayden is older, he hopes to have the privilege to continue creating stories and characters that impact the people and the world around him. Especially in a way that makes sure he can somewhat afford to keep up with taxes (although he's not sure how those work yet...)

Hayden Celentano

Joseph Garcia
Im Joseph Garcia I was born in the Dominican Republic and I'm self-driven and determined, I'm currently in Cityas High School and I'm expected to graduate in August 2021, after graduation I want to go to college become an electrical engineer, a graphic designer or become an accountant, my dream is just to be a successful person so I can bring my family to America.
I haven't done a lot in my life yet even tho I feel like I should but my future goals are to see every one of my family proud of me and have them living comfortably in America.
I have participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been tough because it's on Saturdays but it's been fun actually everyone is so chill and the teachers are extremely understanding and helpful with us. In this workshop, we are going to do our own websites and try to change society to become a better place. One thing that has been special about this experience is just meeting these new people and having a blast talking to them.
Genesis Liriano was born in the Dominican Republic and later immigrated to New York City. Her friends have described her as determined, adventurous, and truthful. She currently studies at High School for Environmental Studies and is graduating in June 2022. After graduating, she wants to pick a career that allows her to help those around her in creative ways. Her dream is to learn about the different philosophies of life and explore different societies and cultures.
Genesis has done many things throughout her life including tutor elementary school kids in literacy for the New York Public Library and participated in workshops that taught girls about gender roles, discrimination, and equality. She is passionate about helping others and has experience and skills in organizing, communication, and leadership.

Genesis Liriano

Mariela Martinez
Mariela Martinez was born in New York City. She/he/them is determined and motivated to make a change and be different.Them/He/she currently studies at City-As, year 2020. After graduating, them/she/he wants to finish their dental hygiene career and be off. His/their/her dream is to live a happy life.
My values as a human being is to spread love and positivity. Of course my personal value to progress in life, is after my dental hygiene career I get to start and finish my dentist career. As a fellow anarchist , it's my duty to inform and educate my peers about any injustice taking events.
Carl McDonald was born in Brooklyn, New York. He is calm, laid back, chill, funny ,nice and caring. He currently studies at Midwood Highschool and is graduating June 21, 2021. After graduating from High School he wants to major in computer science. His dream is to be a successful video game streamer (youtuber). Carl McDonald has done many things throughout his life including taking 3 years of media and competing on competitive video games and ranking top 50 in North America. He is passionate about competing on a competitive level in games and has experience and skills in competing against other good players. Carl McDonald has participated in EVC New Media Arts Workshop and has been a fun, collaborative and hardworking experience in the workshop. In this workshop we are working together to address an ongoing world problem. Something that he has learned through the workshop is that by working together we have the power to get anything done. One thing that has been special and meaningful to him in this workshop is the fact that they all looked out for each other and enjoyed working together.

Carl McDonald

Viviana Ortiz
Viviana Ortiz was born in Los Angeles, California. She is a student, sister and a daughter. She currently studies at LaGuardia International High School and is graduating in 2022. After graduating, she wants to be able to go to a community college here in New York City or in California where she can study languages, music or art. Her dream is to travel to Korean and teach English there. If that doesn't work out she could go for her other interest to study music. She enjoys reading, playing piano, drawing and learning new languages.
Viviana has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been very amused by the people and their way theory work together. In this workshop, we are individuals wanting to make a change toward hate crimes to show the world to make a difference. Something that she has learned through the New Media Arts Workshop is how to use Canva and photography . One thing that has been special about this experience is being able to communicate with other people and listen to their different ideas.
Maria was born in New York, Spanish Harlem. She is an Unstoppable, Sweet, Ongoing person. She studies at The High school Fashion Industries and is graduating in 2022. After graduating she wants to become successful in whatever way she plans meaning making good money and taking care of her family in the best way she can.
Maria has done many things throughout her life including helping others when needed and even wanting to give up so bad in school but keep on pushing herself to move forward. She has a passion for dancing and drawing even though it may not be something you see in an art museum.
Maria has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been inspiring and creative. In this workshop, we are to improve our skills and talk about social issues going on in the world and spreading its problems throughout photography, art, and editing. Something that she has learned through the New Media Arts Workshop is more of society's issues and the main topic as of what we can do to prevent these things. One thing that has been special about this experience is meeting new faces and understanding everyone's point of view on these issues.

Maria Rodriguez

Marjona Rustom
Marjona Rustam was born in Qarshi, Uzbekistan. She is an outgoing and charismatic individual with an old soul who isn’t afraid of standing up to her own beliefs. She currently studies at High School for Environmental Studies as a Junior and is graduating in 2022. After graduating, she wants to go to Georgetown University and plans to major in Business Marketing and Fashion Merchandising. Her dream is to get her MBA and open her own marketing firm for luxury brands in Europe.
Marjona has done many things throughout her life including: interning at an investment company on Wall Street, attending programs about our environment with ConEdison, opening up her own school club to bring awareness to our generation’s social problems. Additionally, she has auditioned for entertainment companies and gotten scouted for acting and modeling; and was a personal social media marketing assistant for a musician in the summer. Although all that she has done was to figure out what she really loves, she found her passion in leadership jobs and workplaces. She has experienced through summer jobs how to develop her communicational skills and increased her motivation for her future in business leadership.
Marjona has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been a pleasure being able to meet all these talented young adults and work with amazing mentors. In this workshop, we are working together to develop a site to bring awareness to the increase in hate crimes in society right now. Something that she has learned through the New Media Arts Workshop is how important different camera angles play a role in storytelling and how one can edit videos through sound bits to make them more relevant for the topic. One thing that has been special about this experience is seeing how far we’ve all come by, how much we’ve learned, and how fast time truly goes by in a fun workshop like this.
Dechen Thakuri, was born in Mustang, Nepal. She loves snow because It reminds her of her hometown (Mustang). She moved to the United States in 2019. She currently studies at International High School at Laguardia Community College and is graduating in 2021. After graduating, she wants to be a web designer. She also loves to make paintings, portrait Custom design on clothes, shoes and embroidery. Her dream is to be one of the inspiring women who will inspire young girls to be in the tech field.
Dechen has done many things throughout her life including taking part in student government, and making young adults feel valuable by hearing them and coming up with plans to help them during quarantine. Also, She is passionate about her goals to inspire people and has experience and skills in volunteering in programs such as distributing foods to local people.
Dechen has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been sincerely the best place to be at. In this workshop, we are sharing our ideas, learning from each other in order to inspire other people by sharing our ideas through videos, images and words. Something that she has learned through the New Media Arts Workshop is about the social issues that are going on in our society and learn about angles, composition of the image. One thing that has been special about this experience is that all new people group together and discuss the subject that we love.

Dechen Angmo Thakuri

Kasai Walker
Kasai Walker is a New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn. He is a future writer, who wants to write for visual works like animation and visual novels. His hard work on his stories and school have been pushing him to get started into his career because he has big dreams of conquering the world. He currently studies at Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology and is graduating in 2022. After graduating, he wants to take his high GPA, writing skills and many accomplishments into college and hopes of improving his writing skills, get serious into finance and develop his network. He is trying to one day retire early to reach his dream of owning an entertainment company and get his only animated series, with the help of the F.I.R.E movement, his supporters and hard work he might just get there.
Kasai Walker has done many things throughout his life including being a speaker for a gun violence protest, has written two pitches for an animated series and is currently writing a manga. Not only Kasai a EVC member, but he an Oppnet fellow, BBBS little and a ROTC student, he uses skills he got from all these organizations to be a leader at his school. He’s a student influencer who works in the background to provide events for the school community, and think of ways to make it better also tutoring students. He is passionate about storytelling and has experience and skills in crafting complex character and creating entire worlds.
Kasai has participated in EVC’s New Media Arts Workshop and it has been fun to say the least. In this workshop, we are planning to find a topic that we care about and use all our leadership, art and team skills to show people all around the world why they should care about the topic as much as we do. Something that he has learned through the New Media Arts Workshop is how important colors are when designing and how colors can tell a story. One thing that has been special about this experience is he has met many different people who all seem interesting in their own way, and can’t wait to work with them and together to know them better.